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Leaping into retirement: how to get out of the work mindset

There’s nothing quite like it, is there? That feeling of clocking out of your very last shift, parting ways with early mornings and rush hour traffic, the end of working life.

To some, leaving work is a sombre thought. Whilst for many retirement can’t come soon enough, others are driven by their career and the idea of no work can be a daunting prospect.

Much like today’s Hurdle Event at the Olympics, entering retirement is very much taking a giant leap into a new lifestyle. When you think about it, work offers consistency and a routine, without it you’re very much jumping into the unknown.

As your resident pension experts, we’re here to tell you how you can get your head out of the nine to five grind and jump into retirement fully!

Break away from the routine

First things first – turn those alarms off! The key element of breaking away from work is shifting away from your work routine. Even going as far as avoiding the breakfast you’d rush before heading to your job or the sandwiches you’d pack for your lunch break – they’re all reminders of the times when you were employed! If you’re a creature of habit, retirement offers full flexibility in constructing your own routine. You could go for a leisurely morning walk or visit a local café for breakfast; the choice is yours.

You’d think we’d encourage you to break away from a regime altogether; however, when you’re so used to a fixed plan five days a week, starting anew can be a bit of a shock. Ultimately, this might make the process of beginning retirement unenjoyable, and this is supposed to be one of the best times of your life!

Work hard for you

Your working life has seen you work hard to establish yourself in your career and achieve various milestones – but now that this has come to an end, that doesn’t mean the effort has to stop! Why not apply the hard work you’ve previously given to work to your new retired life?

For example, now that you have an abundance of free time, you have the opportunity to explore new hobbies and interests. Retirement is all about living the way YOU want, so if you’re naturally a hard worker and are struggling to adapt to the most relaxing era of your life, commit your time and effort to learning the ropes of a new skill. From new languages to braving the outdoors to even knitting, with the right help, the world is your oyster when you retire, so why not live it to the max?

Help is on hand

For those with partners and family working, or who live alone, retirement can be thought of as lonely an isolating, especially when you’re usually surrounding by your peers and colleagues. Research shows that loneliness impacts ones health and wellbeing, in addition to lowering the quality of life experienced.
If you’re worried about facing retirement alone, look into local friendship lunches or classes in your community. You can typically find advertisements in your community centre or town or village hall.

There are also various charities, such as Age UK and Samaritans, that offer free services to battle loneliness. Whether it’s a phone call, email, or even letter, there’s always someone available to talk you through your struggles.

Aim for advice

Remember, whether you want to remain in work after you retire, or you can’t wait for that last shift, the best way of building a retirement strategy for your circumstances is consulting with a financial adviser. The myth is that financial advice is expensive and only for the wealthy, when in fact it offers support, security and is accessible to all. With financial advice, you can be confident that you’ve made the right decision for your lifestyle.

At My Pension Expert, our team of advisers take all your financial goals into account, with the aim of helping you unlock your pension potential. Every individual is different, so we make sure your pension and investments are catered to you, from the product you choose down to the very risk level of the portfolio you place your money in. You’ve worked hard for your pension, now let your pension work hard for you!