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Introducing Team Wild Waves!

Today, My Pension Expert are incredibly excited to announce our sponsorship of the Wild Waves team as they embark on the “world’s toughest row”: The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.

Jessica Oliver and Charlotte Harris will embark on a 3,000-mile row across the Atlantic Ocean from the Canary Islands to Antigua and Barbuda. This gruelling journey is all in aid of two brilliant causes: Women’s Aid and Shelter. Jessica and Charlotte hope to raise £100,000 for their charities – and they are well on their way to achieving this, having raised over £17,000 already! You can contribute to these fantastic charitable causes by donating here.

The team have undertaken an intensive training programme to prepare them for the challenge, including 30-hour rowing sessions, vigorous health and safety courses, and mechanical training to fix any potential boating issues throughout the challenge.

To celebrate the sponsorship, My Pension Expert and Wild Waves hosted a launch at Doncaster Racecourse, where the team was able to showcase their newly designed boat and celebrate their future successes over the coming months.

This sponsorship marks yet another step in our commitment to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) policies in a bid to create a sustainable and socially conscious business.

With so few women within the field of financial services, My Pension Expert are honoured to be able to sponsor such an aspirational team. We hope that doing so will inspire generations of women to pursue such ambitious endeavours within the worlds of sport or financial services.

At My Pension Expert, we share Wild Waves’ passion for supporting vital charities that protect society’s most vulnerable people. As such, we will be organising numerous fundraising events to continue building momentum for Jessica and Charlotte’s tremendous endeavour. Admittedly, the charitable efforts might not be as taxing as the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, although we are particularly excited about the upcoming sponsored indoor row in the coming months.

We couldn’t be prouder of the Wild Waves team and can’t wait to hear all about their progress over the coming months.

Be sure to follow My Pension Expert’s Wild Waves blog and never miss an update on their exciting adventure.