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Bill’s Story for a Flexible Retirement

Thanks to the help of the team at My Pension Expert, Bill of Great Yarmouth is looking forward to a happy and comfortable retirement. After working as a project manager for most of his working life, Bill wanted to ensure he was making the most of his hard-earned pension savings. At the age of 65, he knew that it was important to seek independent financial advice in order to be sure that any decisions he made placed him in the best possible position.

When it came to finding the right financial adviser, Bill didn’t know where to start, he found himself in a minefield of different companies using a range of jargon that he simply couldn’t understand. After a quick google search, he found the My Pension Expert website and was refreshed to find easy to understand, jargon-free, information.

The next step was a call with our Retirement Technicians who explained to Bill all the options available to him at retirement as well as providing quotes and illustrations before booking an appointment with one of our independent financial advisers, David Taylor.

During his advice call with David, Bill was asked about his financial circumstances, including his current income and outgoings as well as what he was looking to achieve from his pension which was worth approximately £86,000.

One of Bill’s main objectives was to grow the fund further, whilst maintaining control to access the money should he need to in the future. During his call with David, they discussed the different options available and how each would or wouldn’t support Bill in achieving his objectives. As Bill already had a secure income from a previous pension and his state pension to cover his living expenses, they were able to rule out the need for an annuity.

Based on their conversations, and a thorough risk assessment of Bill’s attitude to risk, David recommended a Flexible Access Drawdown, which would provide a potential for growth, and the flexibility to make changes that Bill was looking for. David discussed the benefits and risks of a Flexible Access Drawdown with Bill and carried out an attitude to risk assessment in order to recommend a suitable model portfolio.

After choosing to proceed with David’s recommendation, Bill was then introduced to William Humphreys, his personal Client Support Representative. William’s role was to update Bill on the progress of the transfer, including the very important pension checks carried out to ensure that Bill didn’t lose out on any important benefits.

Bill can’t recommend My Pension Expert enough; he’s found working with our team to be an exceptional experience. He felt receiving independent financial advice over the phone was convenient as all his calls and appointments fitted around his schedule. In addition to receiving advice for his pension, we’ve also helped Bill make the most of his ISA investments and the team at My Will Expert have supported Bill in writing his Will.